I'm a little behind huh? Ohhh well. So nats, a bit rubbishy. There was some nice gymnastics hidden in there but overall, not great. Once again myself and Mostepanovafan stayed up til 2 and 3 in the morning to watch so here we go.
Overall: Like I said not fantastic. When Kytra Hunter and Alexandra Raisman are battling for the bronze medal you know there's some issues. They're both good gymnasts but they aren't exactly all arounders now are they? Bars are poor in both cases. Al was back. This made me cry.
Bross: Yay. Bross. Fantastic. I'm amazed she managed to put together 8 routines with no major errors, consistancy isn't exactly her strong point. I still want to murder her whenever I see her on bars and the desire to kill rises on floor too. I liked the way on day 2 Tim was all 'what's with that score?' on bars. Evidentally the bars judges decided to be realistic unlike EVERY OTHER JUDGE. What is with her using Dark Eyes? Seriously? Does WOGA only have limited music knowledge so they can only use different versions of the same piece? She will never ever be a dancer. Ever. Her vaults were solid though her knees were fugly. Beam was also solid and her knees were also fugly.
Larson: So who had an awesome nationals? Mattie did! She is (obviously) my fav American right about now, though if I were AOGC I'd lay off the yellow leos, don't really suit her. Her vaults were strong, her bars were good enough her beam was alright, although for no clear reason she underrotated her 2.5 twist on day 2. Floor was good. I quite liked it on day 1 choreographically, but day 2 she became the spazmonkey captain again (Bross is the spazmonkey general). I still can't believe she can do a double layout. Her triple twist is still very nice. GO MATTIE.
Mini A-Sac: Even A-Sac calls Raisman her mini-me. That's how bad it is. No ridiculous attempts at Amanar's this time, her ankles presumably placed a written complaint. She doesn't even need one with how good her DTY can be. Her bars. Welllllll. Her normal bars really. Does Brestyan's have a bars coach? If so get a new one? She's the best that they've produced, and she's consistant but it's not fab. She managed to place third on beam, her dismount still isn't as good as it was at SCAM, I still want to kill her switch split jumps. She'd lost the double piked arabian on floor (thank goodness, international judges would have said hello downgrade). Her triple twist is also looking good. Her dance isn't. Her music is incredibly underwhelming.
Hunter: *gator chomp* Go future Gator! Her bars was better than at Classic, she didn't fall. What was with her day 2 leotard? Burgundy and bright orange is NOT a good colour combination. Thank goodness she isn't pasty, that's the only way she'd have looked worse in it. Her vaults were powerful and well performed as always, her beam was tentative but solid. Her floor still had ridiculous choreo (please Rhonda, DO SOMETHING WITH HER) but her tumbling was still first class.
MQuats: We didn't even see BQuats. She didn't make the national team either. But MQuats didn't do too badly. Another future gator I ought to be supporting. Who chooses the leotards they wear? And can I stop them? Her day two one was very ill-advised. Her bars could have been better, her Church - Pak combo was better at Classic, it looked kind of floppy here. Also she fell on a hop grip change the moment she got on the bars on day 2 which caused MFan some consternation. She needs to get more consistent if she wants to go to worlds, cos frankly they need her on bars. She did the best beam set I've ever seen her do as well, but it was still kind of average.
VaZam: First elite nats, didn't disgrace herself. Her beam is still awful, she keeps falling where they've had to add extra difficulty. We didn't see her bars either day but I am reliably informed she has a nice Deltchev. I still don't like her floor routine, it just doesn't flow at all. Vaults though, nicely done Miss Zam. I confess I doubted the existence of a Cheng. I said, she may well be training one but I doubt she has it. I was proved very wrong, her day 1 Cheng was pretty awesome. Her day 2 one, not so much. Landed on her knees. But congrats on making the national team.
Casanova: Why did we insist on watching her? Don't get me wrong I don't particularly dislike her but it just seems odd. Her floor was fairly average WOGA stuff, though she dances much better than Bross. What I remember about her beam was that it was wobbly. I did not like the day 1 WOGA tard, it did not suit her or Bross.
Lee: Ok, I love Sophia Lee. Just so you know. OMG WE SAW HER ON FLOOR. I'm unhappy we didn't see her more than the once though, especially as she screwed up on a tumble. Pretty nice double layout from Miss Lee though. I wanted to see her piked Tkatchev on bars properly.
A-Sac: Continued her upward spiral from Classic. Her beam was cleaner and less wobbly than Classic, and her vaults were better anchored. I was hoping that she would punch Andrea Joyce, but alas, she did not. I still congratulate her for being the only person with a real personality.
Sloan: OMG WHAT WAS WITH HER TARD? WHY WAS IT RADIO ACTIVE? That over with, her beam was underwhelming but considering the nature of her injury that is unsurprising. I'm thinking we've seen the last of Miss Sloan, certainly as far as individual competitions go, she keeps getting injured. Also I get the feeling that when she talks whilst she's on camera she know's exactly where the camera is and is acting up. But hey.
Nastia: Yeah, the purple curtain from night 1, not so flattering. Her shoes, will do nothing for her ankles. Her comeback? *snorts*
OMG where did they dig up Patterson from and please rebury her straight away. Thankyou.

Juniors: Just a little bit, OMG Jordan Wieber imploded! I'm not overly surprised but she certainly did it dramatically didn't she? So Ross repeated, Ohashi of the miniature WOGese, no I can't compete as a senior til next quad and I have a full twisting straight on beam why do you ask? got the silver. Makayla Maroney got the bronze much to my surprise, I haven't seen anything of her but remembering last years nats....I'm surprised. Gabby Douglas managed not to kill herself this time though Excalibur still dressed her badly. She just missed the medals :(. If she hadn't dragged her feet on the ground after her Pak on both days she could have medalled.